A Taste of Truett

    Select a date from the calendar below to schedule your visit today!

    A Taste of Truett is an opportunity to gain a glimpse inside the Truett in Houston community through a class visit and conversation with a Truett representative.

    Class visit dates are available based on the university's academic calendar and class availability. We are unable to schedule class visits during holidays, weekends, or other campus closures.

    If you have questions about registering for your visit or if the standard visit schedule does not meet your needs, please contact us at Truett_Information@baylor.edu or 254-710-6072.

    We would also be glad to schedule an individual virtual appointment to talk about your application and degree plan options. Schedule your Virtual Appointment
     or email Truett_Information@baylor.edu if you have questions.

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled

    George W. Truett Theological Seminary